Our Story & Logo

Our Story & Logo

SunSpeed Solar was founded by three passionate professionals in 2012. Through dedication and innovation, we've become a top name in solar energy. Our logo symbolizes our commitment to sustainability and our mission to harness the power of the sun for a brighter future.


Sunspeed Logo

The "Sunspeed" in our logo stands for "Sun & Speed."It has other meanings like "The Sun". A star around which Earth and other solar system components revolve. The Sun is the source of an enormous amount of energy a portion of which provides Earth with the light and heat to support life.

Speed is a scalar quantity that refers to "how fast an object is moving, "such as Speed of Work, Speed of Delivery, etc. Speed can be understood as the rate at which an object covers the distance. A fast-moving object with a high speed covers a large distance in a short amount of time, where as an object with no movement has a zero speed.In Middle English, for a fortunate person, speed can mean 'success,' 'good fortune, 'smooth progress,' or modern meaning 'swiftness'.

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