Solar System

Solar Power Plant:

Types, Technologies & All About Solar Power System

           A solar power plant is an arrangement of various solar components including solar panel to absorb and convert sunlight into electricity, solar inverter to change the electricity from DC to AC as well as monitoring the system, solar battery and other solar accessories to set up a working system. It is an economic and a modern technique to generate electricity by solar panel using sunlight.

            The main concern of a solar power plant is to provide complete energy independence while also lowering your electricity costs. The power plant not only replenishes power to a local user but can also work for a huge project. This is because it includes both small and large capacity solar systems ranging from 1 kW to megawatts.

      A solar power plant is sometimes referred to as a solar energy system, solar system, solar power system and solar plant. The efficacy of solar power can be estimated by the fact that by harnessing just one and a half hour’s sunlight, the entire world can satisfy its energy needs for a year. To collect maximum sunlight for converting it to electricity, solar photovoltaic technology is the best alternative.

      In other words you can say solar power system is based on the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly by using photo-voltaic (PV) panel or indirectly by using concentrated solar power (CSP). There are three types of power systems available in various power ratings, so it’s worth spending 10 minutes reading this information and selecting the best that meets all your requirements.

Types of Solar Power Plant

      Everyone these days is well aware of the advantages of going solar. Being attracted by the significance of the most abundant energy source, many people are switching towards making solar energy their main source of energy. But before doing that, one should always be careful while selecting the type of solar power plant. Since it is the major thing that decides whether the power plant will prove to be beneficial for you or not.

      If you are ready to switch to a solar power plant but you are concerned about which type is best for you, we are here to provide you with complete details about all the types of solar power plant.

Three Types of Solar Power Plant

Basically, solar power plants are mainly available in three different types. The first one is the on grid solar power plant, second is off grid solar power plant and the third is hybrid solar power plant.

1. On-Grid Solar System

Saving + Grid Export

2. Off-Grid Solar System

Saving + Backup

3. Hybrid Solar System

On-grid + Off-grid

Difference between on-grid, off-grid and hybrid solar power plant

           Starting with the basics, the main point of difference between on-grid, off-grid and hybrid solar power plant lies in their relationship with the utility grid. An on-grid solar system works with the utility grid while off-grid does not bother about the same. Moreover, a hybrid system depends partly on it. All type of solar power system is different from each other on the basis of their specifications and features while all solar power system works on same principle. Also, some of the components are different in each type of solar power system.

Other Types of Solar Power Plant

      All of the above-mentioned types of solar power plants can further be divided into two sub-categories. These two categories are:

     1. Solar Power Plant For Home (On grid/Off grid/Hybrid)

     2. Commercial Solar Power Plant (Mainly in on grid & Hybrid)

      Read further to know more about these types of solar power plants and make your choice more precise. Mentioned below is the complete set of details like their area requirement, working, technical specification, govt. subsidy on solar, net-metering system.

Off-Grid Solar Power System

In India, there are still several remote areas where there is no electricity at all. Plenty of homes are still living with the crisis of power outages. Besides, there are areas where the electricity supply is not consistent or sufficient. For people residing in such areas, an off grid solar power system is a boon as this system requires no utility grid to work on. And still, it can ensure constant and adequate electricity almost every single day of the year.

Significance of Off-Grid Solar Power System

      Every solar system works by converting sunlight into electricity. A solar panel generates electricity as long as it absorbs sunlight. That means, there will be no power in the absence of sunlight (at night or in a cloudy atmosphere). Hence, to ensure a non-stop power supply at times when there is no sunlight, there must be a source available to store the energy. For people living in secluded regions, it is mandatory to have a solar power system with a solar battery. Off grid solar power plant is a system with battery bank. That means, it can store the energy generated by the system to be used for future needs.

How Does An Off-Grid Solar System Works?


  • This type of power plant store unconsumed power in batteries, provided by the solar system.
  • The addition of Solar Inverter allows this system to convert DC electrical current coming from the batteries into AC (alternating current).
  • AC is the standard form of electricity for anything that “plugs in” to utility power and is the appropriate current for common household appliances.
  • The stored energy serves as electricity when required.


      “If you don’t have electricity connection or a reliable grid and you want to store electricity, then an off grid solar power plant is system recommend for you.”

On-Grid Solar Power System

As the name suggests, an on-grid solar power plant operates with the grid. On grid systems are solar PV system that only generate power when the utility power grid is available. They must connect to the grid to perform its function. This type of solar power plant is ideal for those who want to reduce their electricity bill while investing less.

Significance of On-Grid Solar Power System

      With an on-grid solar power system comes the option of net metering which is an opportunity to earn more. The excess power generated is supplied to the grid which provides credit in the electricity bill. Hence you can reduce your electricity bill while earning more. Since with this system, the consumer can access power from two different sources, 24*7 power supply is guaranteed. Besides, it is efficient enough to run any home appliance without any difficulty. And finally, it is easy to install, requires less maintenance and costs less than an off-grid solar system. In general, buying an on-grid solar system is a great investment.

How Does An On-Grid Solar System Works?


  • The power generated in the daytime can be used instantly or sent to the main grid. This type of solar system will automatically send excess power to the grid when solar panels are overproducing.
  • During a power outage, the exported power is drawn back from the electricity grid.
  • Any excess power fed to the grid earns you money. You will get credited later for this through Net Metering system by Indian govt.

Hybrid Solar Power System

The hybrid solar system is a technique that uses a collection of solar batteries that can interact with the main power grid. As a result, it reduces your electricity bill significantly and returns more than it costs over a while. Hybrid solar system or power plant is a combination of both above said solar system. We can say that, On Grid Solar System + Off Grid Solar System = Hybrid solar system.

Significance of Hybrid Solar Power System

      A hybrid solar power plant is the most expandable system that is future-ready since it uses both a battery and the grid. With a hybrid setup, you can maximize power consumption while using less electricity from the grid. Hence, this system ensures a constant power supply while reducing your electricity bill.

How Does An Hybrid Solar System Works?


  • It is an on-grid system with battery storage.
  • Solar panels generate electricity in daytime and run your household load. Simultaneously, the extra electricity will be stored in the solar battery.
  • It is equipped with an unusual ‘smart’ inverter that transmits DC to AC from batteries.
  • When required, the inverter tracks AC between your home and the grid.
  • Once solar batteries are fully charged the electricity then automatically exported to the utility grid.
  • This system allows you to take full control over power transfer.


      “Hybrid solar system provides you both the feature of on grid solar system as well as on grid solar system. If you want to store power along with export facility, hybrid system is best for you.”

Commercial Solar Power System

Commercial solar setups are large scale solar power plants. These commercial solar systems are high capacity PV system, generally installed for reduce electricity cost or for marketable purposes. Mostly, commercial solar systems are on grid systems that generate power when the utility power grid is available. They can send excess power into the grid when the solar panel is producing extra power than your consumption through net metering. You will be credited for this power in the future.

      You might have seen a large area of land covered by strong dark blue devices namely solar panels. Mostly these areas are ground-mounted power plants huge in capacity. The purpose of these power plants are to power businesses, industries and sustainable development. Besides these projects are established to sell electricity to govt or any company.

      The factors that determine if this type of solar power plant proves to be beneficial to you or not, are-


  • The load required to run the machinery to determine the number of solar panels needed.
  • The type of power required- AC, DC, single face or three faces.
  • Battery to store the energy generated- lead-acid batteries are widely popular.
  • Inverter to convert AC power to DC
  • Network to ensure proper flow of power
  • Type of solar power plant

Ground Mounted Power Plant

Mostly, these type of projects are established to sell electricity to govt or any company. According to a latest survey, concentrated solar power can provide enough electricity when the demand is high. These solar power plants are huge in capacity.

      You might have seen a large area of land covered by strong dark blue devices namely solar panels. Mostly these areas are ground-mounted power plants huge in capacity. The purpose of these power plants are to power businesses, industries and sustainable development. Besides these projects are established to sell electricity to govt or any company. The factors that determine if this type of solar power plant proves to be beneficial to you or not, are-


  • The size of the project
  • The tilt of the modules
  • The technical specifications of cable lengths are according to the site.
  • Capacities of inverters
  • Locations of inverters

Technologies in Solar Power Plant

There are three major technologies that are successful in solar power plants. All these three types of solar power plants are discussed in detail here:

  • Concentrated Solar Power Plant
  • Thermal Solar Power Plant
  • Photo-voltaic Solar Power Plant
Concentrated Solar Power Plants

     These solar power plants use lenses, mirrors and tracking systems to concentrate the sun’s energy. This way, the energy gets converted to room-temperature heat. This heat is used to run conventional steam turbines or power generating engines. This is a superior setup since it uses TES technology to store power. The biggest advantage of concentrated solar power plants is that it is reliable and its cost can be predicted

Thermal Solar Power Plants

     This is basically a heat dependent solar technology that was used in solar power plants. In this technology, the sun rays are focused to a point by using solar collectors so that appropriate high temperature can be obtain to generate electricity.

     These kinds of solar panels have two main components namely reflectors to collect the sunlight and receivers to focus it. The heat generated by focusing the light rays produces steam in the fluid. This steam rotates the turbine to power the generator producing electricity. Its tracking system tracks the receiver to catch the sunlight throughout the day when the sun changes its position.

Photovoltaic Solar Power Plant

     It is the most common and popular technology that is used in solar power plants. In this technology, solar panel converts sunlight into electric current by using photoelectric effect. Solar panels are the most important and visible element of a photovoltaic solar power plant. A solar panel is known as the face of the solar system. It runs with four major components which are:

  • Solar Panel
  • Solar Inverter
  • Solar Battery
  • Solar Accessories
  • How To Choose Best Type Of Solar Plant

               There are 3 types of solar power plants. While selecting one out of these three types of solar power plants, many people get confused due to a lack of information. But you don’t need to get confused much when we are here to guide you to choose the best. ​While choosing a type of solar system you must consider some points in your mind:

    Off Grid Solar Power Plant = Saving + Power Backup

               If you don’t have a reliable grid or if you are suffering from long electricity cuts regularly, an off-grid solar system will help you to get rid of this problem. In off grid solar system there is solar battery which provides you power backup and it also reduces your electricity bill as well.

    On Grid Solar Power Plant= Saving + Export to Grid

               On grid solar system is best for those people who are facing the problem of heavy electricity bills. An on grid solar system provides you the facility to export extra power into the grid via net metering. The government will adjust the exportation of electricity in your upcoming bills.

    Hybrid Solar Power Plant = Saving + Export to Grid + Backup

               Go for the hybrid solar system if you want both the features- net metering and battery backup. Hybrid solar system has solar batteries in it and you can also export unconsumed electricity in to the utility grid. This solar system will reduce your electricity bills and will also provide you with backup.

    Pros-Cons of Solar Power Plant

               Solar power plant offers many benefits to home and property owner, most notably a reduction in electricity cost and usage. However, there are some other benefits of the solar power system that are mentioned below.

    Pros & Cons of Solar Panel


    • Save up to 100% electricity bills.
    • One time Investment and free power for life.
    • 30% to 90% subsidy on solar panel.
    • Return on Investment in just 3-5 years.
    • Eco friendly technique of power production.
    • Increase the value of property and your goodwill also.
    • Cost effective method of generating electricity.
    • Easy to install and low maintainence.
    • Provides backup in off grid and hybrid solar power system.
    • Benefits of solar net metering is also available.


    • Needs one time heavy investment.
    • Required only shadow free area for installation.
    • Regular maintenance is must for regular generation.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. How many types are available in the solar system?
    There are three types of solar system. The first is on-grid, the second is off-grid and the third is a hybrid solar system.
    2. Can a commercial solar system be used for home?
    Yes, a commercial solar system can be used for home. A commercial system will produce more power and need more space to install. If you have that much space at your home and you can handle that much production than you can install a commercial solar system at your home.
    3.How much can I save through on grid solar system?
    It can’t be predicted. It depends upon the capacity of solar system and your supply to grid. If you install high capacity solar system and supply more to grid, than your electricity bill will be reduce more otherwise vice-versa.
    4. What is solar rooftop system?
    In solar rooftop system, the solar panels are install on roof of a house. Through these panels the electricity will be produce which will power your home. Also read about: Solar System For Home.
    5. In off grid system, will I need to buy solar batteries separately?
    No, in off grid solar system there are no need of purchasing batteries separately. You will get the solar battery along with solar system.
    6. What is the difference between rooftop and ground mounted solar system?
    In rooftop solar system, the solar panels are install on the roof of any building. It may either be your house or you commercial premises. And in ground mounted solar system, the solar panel are installed on ground where the sunlight can be reach without any barrier.
    7. Can I use my existing batteries in off grid solar system?
    Yes off course, you can use your existing or non-solar battery in off grid solar system. But if you are using your existing battery in off grid solar system then a solar charge controller is needed in it. You must need to install a charge controller along with your existing batteries. Know more about: Solar Charge Controller
    8. Can I add batteries in my commercial solar system?
    Yes you can add batteries in your commercial solar system but genuinely it does not make any sense. Because in commercial places the usage of power is very high and solar batteries are not able to store that much power in them.
    9. What is grid tie system?
    Grid tie system is also known as on grid solar system. This system allows you to export extra power into the utility grid through net metering which further helps you to reduce your electricity bill.
    10.Where should I install solar system?
    It totally depends upon that where you want to install a solar system. You can install it either on your rooftop or at any shadow free space. But if you installed it on ground than it should not be so far from your home.
    11. How much area is required to install a solar system?
    The space required to install a solar system depends upon its capacity and size. Normally for installing a 1 KW solar system 6 square meter shadow free area is required.
    12. What are the capacities in solar system other than 2KW solar system and 3kw solar system?
    Solar systems are available in:
    • 1kw solar system
    • 2kw solar system
    • 3kw solar system
    • 5kw solar system
    • 10kw solar system
    13. What is the maintenance cost of solar system?
    The maintenance cost of a solar system is not that much. You just need to buy a solar panel cleaning kit to clean the solar panels. The starting cost of solar panel cleaning kit is only Rs.20,000 (for 6 meter length). Read more about: Solar Panel Cleaning Kit.
    14. Can I directly run my load in on grid solar system?
    Yes, you can directly run your connected load on on grid solar system. In on grid solar system, there is solar inverter which controls the voltage and fix it according to the required voltage.
    15.Will I get subsidy on solar system?
    Yes, there is up to 40% subsidy on solar panel by the government. But the subsidy rate may be increase or decrease according to your state solar policy.
    16. Do I have to hire a separate company to install solar system?
    No, you do not have to hire any company separately for installing a solar system. The selling company will do the same for you. You just need to pay them installation charges for their services.
    17. How can I buy a solar system for my home?
    For buying on grid solar system, off grid solar system, hybrid solar system or commercial solar system you can contact us or either you can buy it from our online shop.