Solar Power System

Solar Power System

Solar System For Home Price With Complete Detail, 2022

           ​A solar system is an arrangement that generates electricity using energy from the sun i.e, solar energy. The setup consists of solar panels, batteries, inverter, mounting structure, ACDB/DCDB and some other fixtures like wires and nuts to balance the system. Solar panels absorb sunlight and produce electricity which is then converted from DC to AC by a solar inverter. A solar battery stores the extra power and the mounting structure hold the panels in place. The electricity generated by the solar power system is used to run your electrical as well as solar appliances.

      Every solar system works by converting sunlight into electricity. A solar panel generates electricity as long as it absorbs sunlight. That means, there will be no power in the absence of sunlight (at night or in a cloudy atmosphere). Hence, to ensure a non-stop power supply at times when there is no sunlight, there must be a source available to store the energy. For people living in secluded regions, it is mandatory to have a solar power system with a solar battery. Off grid solar power plant is a system with battery bank. That means, it can store the energy generated by the system to be used for future needs.

Solar System: A Better Way to Generate Electricity

      There are plenty of benefits of the solar system which witness the technology as the best-known way to generate electricity. Solar power is renewable and pollution-free. That means, it is available almost every day of the year and does not contribute to the greenhouse effect. With solar power, the dependency on foreign oil and fossil fuels can be reduced. And economically, installing a solar system brings a return on investment. You will no longer spend money on utility bills. All these reasons contribute to increasing the solar power capacity by more than 11 times in just 5 years.

      To sum up, a solar system is a modern and affordable way to reduce your electricity bill up to ₹ 0 and generate “Green Energy, Clean Energy” at your places. It is a reliable source that will not only generate free electricity for you but also help to reduce carbon emissions.

1. Working of a Solar System

Solar systems work on the principle of the photovoltaic effect. The process of electricity generation starts with solar panels. The solar cells inside the solar panel absorb the sunlight and convert it into DC electricity. This DC electricity can’t be used directly in your home appliances. So firstly it is converted to AC electricity through the solar inverter. And then, it can be used subsequently or you can store it in a solar battery for backup later.

Understanding the working of the solar system is not rocket science. It is the photovoltaic effect that needs to be simplified. So let’s dive into it.

The Principle of Photovoltaic Effect:

      Photovoltaic means a device that can convert sunlight into electricity. When the particles of light fall on such devices, they eject electrons out of their respective atoms. These ejected electrons are free to move inside the material. When these electrons are captured with a suitable setup, they result in producing electric current.

      Solar panels are composed of several photovoltaic cells. All the cells contribute to producing visible voltage difference and hence electricity is produced efficiently.

2. Three Types of Solar System

To work for the welfare of maximum customers, solar technology has come up with three different types of solar systems. The different types are designed to generate electricity for different electricity needs. The basis of the difference between the three is the closeness of their connection to the utility grid. Namely, the three types are-

  1. On-Grid Solar System – Saving + Grid Export
  2. Off-Grid Solar System – Saving + Backup
  3. Hybrid Solar System – On-grid + Off-grid

Solar energy is becoming an increasingly mature industry and its share of energy production is rapidly growing in past few years. The basic work of all types of solar system is to generate electricity. However, to make the solar system better in every way, these systems are designed in three different types.

3. On-Grid Solar System

An on-grid solar system is designed to switch seamlessly between the residential solar system and the grid. It connects your home to both, utility grid and solar system and hence, you can get electricity from either of the two sources.

     Also known as the grid-tie solar system, this type requires only two main components- solar panels and solar inverter. Storage devices like the solar battery are not a part of this system therefore, they can’t provide you power backup. In an on-grid solar system, the solar panel generates the electricity and the solar inverter converts it into AC electricity. Thereafter, the electricity is used subsequently by your appliances. In case, the system is generating more electricity than your consumption then excess electricity will be automatically injected into the utility grid. This system allows you to export unconsumed or extra electricity to the grid through net metering.

Ideal for:

      People who are facing the problem of heavy electricity bills on a monthly/regular basis and only want to reduce their electricity bill

On-Grid Solar System Highlights

  • You can balance the system production and home power requirements.
  • When power generated is more than home consumption you can send the extra power back to the utility.
  • With net metering, you can get paid for the extra power sent back to the utility.
  • You can draw power from the utility grid in case of less energy generation from the system.
  • This system type requires fewer components and hence it is the cheapest of the residential solar system.

Pros & Cons of On-Grid Solar Systems


  • No limitation of load
  • Cheapest solar solution
  • Reduce your electricity bill up to 100%
  • Up to 70% government subsidy on solar
  • Export excess solar power to the electricity grid
  • No battery bank, no recurring cost
  • Return on investment in 3 to 5 years
  • 25 to 30 years long working life


  • Works only with the electricity grid
  • (if electricity is gone system will shut down)

  • No battery, no power backup
4. Off-Grid Solar System

     Specially designed for remote residences, an off-grid solar system is a complete power bank that is independent of the utility grid for functioning. This type of solar system is also known as a battery-based system and stand-alone system. In this solar system, you will get to see a specialty that you didn’t get in the earlier system.

     This system comes with a solar battery and does provide power backups during emergencies or outages. Other functions and components will remain the same as in the on-grid solar system. But instead of exporting extra/unconsumed electricity to the grid, you can store it in solar batteries. This stored electricity can further be used to power your electrical or solar appliances when the solar panel is not generating electricity during the night or raining.

Ideal for:

     People who want to get rid of long electricity cuts regularly or who reside far away from the utility grid and want power backup at their places.

Off-Grid Solar System Highlights

  • This system uses a battery to store power.
  • The stored electricity can further be used to power your electrical or solar appliances when the Solar Panel is not generating electricity during the night or raining.
  • This type of solar system is also known as a battery-based system or stand-alone system.

Pros & Cons Off-Grid Solar System


  • Provides battery backup for emergencies
  • Ideal for remote areas with no access to utility power
  • Works even without electricity grid
  • Return on investment in 3 to 5 years
  • 25 to 30 years long working life
  • No dependency on govt. electricity
  • Ensures smooth power to the load
  • Reduce carbon footprint


  • Little expensive due to additional battery cost
  • No solar net metering possibilities
5. Hybrid Solar System

     This system combines the features and functionality of an on-grid solar system and the off-grid solar system. It is connected with the conventional utility power grid and also has a battery backup system. That means you can sell power to the grid if it is in excess and during periods of excess demand, you are free to draw from the grid. Similar to an off-grid solar system, here you will get to see a combination of solar panels, solar inverters, and solar batteries along with other accessories.

     With a hybrid solar system, you can save excess electricity in a solar battery. Once your solar battery gets fully charged and also your appliances are efficiently running then the system will behave like an on-grid solar system and will automatically start to export additional power to the electricity grid.

Ideal for:

     People who want power backup during frequent power cuts and also want to reduce their electricity bills.

Hybrid Solar System Highlights

  • With a hybrid solar system, you can save excess electricity in a Solar Battery.
  • Once the solar battery gets fully charged and appliances are running efficiently, the system will behave like an on-grid solar system and will automatically start to export additional power to the electricity grid.
  • With the availability of battery backup features, promotion and demand stay balanced.

Pros & Cons of Hybrid Solar System


  • 8 to 10 hours long power backup (depending upon load)
  • Net metering feature with solar battery option
  • Works even when the electricity grid is not available
  • Ideal for areas where is no electricity or power cuts problem
  • Can run heavy electronics like AC, fridge, coolers, etc.
  • Return on investment within 3 to 5 years
  • 25 to 30 years long working life
  • 30 to 70% government subsidy on solar


  • Expensive compare to other types of the solar system
6. Solar System for Home

     With improving telecommunications, more people are getting attracted to the characteristics and usefulness of solar technology. Solar is now the most popular way to generate electricity worldwide. Besides, the number of its benefactors is further increasing day by day. And why not when it provides plenty of benefits including reduced electric bills, reduced carbon footprints and potentially increased home values, all at once.

     Solar systems in homes are like a genuine thing today. Mostly, an off-grid solar system is used at homes because they provide you with long power backups during crucial circumstances. A home solar system provides double benefits to its owner. On one side it increases the value of your property without any tax increment, on the other side, it boosts your savings by reducing your heavy electricity bills through net metering. Home solar systems are smaller than the commercial solar system. If we talk about its range, then the solar system for home is available from 1kW capacity to 10kW capacity.

7. Commercial Solar System

     The commercial sectors are far ahead of the residential sector in terms of solar systems. These are much bigger than normal home solar system with a range lying between 20kW to 100kW solar system and even more. As per your requirement, you can install from kilowatt capacity to megawatt or gigawatt capacity commercial solar systems for your business.

     Here, both the on-grid solar system and the off-grid solar system find their uses. Both of them are efficient enough to defend your business from the cost volatility. Just observe your business place and select the type of system that can provide you with maximum profit.

8. Subsidy on Solar System

Solar energy is the cleanest and safest source of electricity. It provides no harm to the environment. Instead, increasing electricity production through the solar system helps conserve limited natural resources. And this is why the government supports such initiatives by providing subsidies.

In India, the government is providing subsidy on solar through MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy). The rates of subsidy may vary according to your location and state solar policy. There is up to 70% subsidy on solar for 3 hill states i.e. Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand & Jammu-Kashmir only. Whereas for other states of India this rate is 30%. Contact your state nodal agency to get more information.

9. Components of a Solar System

            A solar system is a setup of several solar components that work together to generate electricity. Each component plays an important role in determining the overall efficiency of any solar system. To ensure the smooth and efficient working of your solar system, you need to know these elements well and buy them carefully. To guide you choose the best, here we have mentioned the crucial components of the solar system that include solar panel, inverter, battery and other solar accessories.

Solar Panels

      A solar panel is a set of photovoltaic cells ascended in a frame for installation. These cells are responsible for converting solar energy to electricity. Solar panel is the most essential component of any solar system since it is the place where the conversion of light begins.

     Each solar panel is made of crystalline silicon and usually contains 60 to 72 solar cells. Depending on the way of their manufacturing, solar panels are categorized as polycrystalline solar panels and monocrystalline solar panels.

Solar Inverter

     A solar inverter is used to convert DC electricity generated by the solar panels into AC. This component of the solar system is essential to run home appliances as they do not work on DC directly. You’ll need an AC electrical current (alternating current) — the standard electrical current used for powering most home appliances and luxuries throughout the world. A solar system cannot work without an inverter and this is why it is also known as the brain of the solar system.

     Modern solar inverters are becoming more smart and intelligent than ever. They not only do their conventional work of converting DC into AC but also perform other functions like advanced utility controls and data monitoring.

Solar Battery

     A solar battery is a device that reserves the energy generated by the solar system to make the energy available for later consumption. The stored energy can be used after sundown, during energy need peaks, or a power outage.

     Solar batteries are a crucial part of off-grid and hybrid solar systems as these systems work by storing energy for later consumption. These batteries can serve best for homes that suffer frequent utility breakdowns. You no longer need to wait for the utility electricity to illuminate your house. Just connect a solar battery to the solar inverter and other accessories and fetch the power whenever you want. It is the most reliable and affordable storage option for those living in remote areas.

Solar Accessories

     Other important solar accessories include mounting structure, ACDB/DCDB, wires, nut-bolts, connectors, MC4 Connector, and many more. These accessories may sound less significant but in reality, these are as crucial as other components. People often do not pay much attention to these fixtures but one must know that even a little carelessness towards these solar accessories can cause the entire solar system to fail. So while buying and installing a solar system, never compromise with these solar accessories.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many types are available in the solar system?
There are three types of solar system. The first is on-grid, the second is off-grid and the third is a hybrid solar system.
2. Can a commercial solar system be used for home?
Yes, a commercial solar system can be used for home. A commercial system will produce more power and need more space to install. If you have that much space at your home and you can handle that much production than you can install a commercial solar system at your home.
3.How much can I save through on grid solar system?
It can’t be predicted. It depends upon the capacity of solar system and your supply to grid. If you install high capacity solar system and supply more to grid, than your electricity bill will be reduce more otherwise vice-versa.
4. What is solar rooftop system?
In solar rooftop system, the solar panels are install on roof of a house. Through these panels the electricity will be produce which will power your home. Also read about: Solar System For Home.
5. In off grid system, will I need to buy solar batteries separately?
No, in off grid solar system there are no need of purchasing batteries separately. You will get the solar battery along with solar system.
6. What is the difference between rooftop and ground mounted solar system?
In rooftop solar system, the solar panels are install on the roof of any building. It may either be your house or you commercial premises. And in ground mounted solar system, the solar panel are installed on ground where the sunlight can be reach without any barrier.
7. Can I use my existing batteries in off grid solar system?
Yes off course, you can use your existing or non-solar battery in off grid solar system. But if you are using your existing battery in off grid solar system then a solar charge controller is needed in it. You must need to install a charge controller along with your existing batteries. Know more about: Solar Charge Controller
8. Can I add batteries in my commercial solar system?
Yes you can add batteries in your commercial solar system but genuinely it does not make any sense. Because in commercial places the usage of power is very high and solar batteries are not able to store that much power in them.
9. What is grid tie system?
Grid tie system is also known as on grid solar system. This system allows you to export extra power into the utility grid through net metering which further helps you to reduce your electricity bill.
10.Where should I install solar system?
It totally depends upon that where you want to install a solar system. You can install it either on your rooftop or at any shadow free space. But if you installed it on ground than it should not be so far from your home.
11. How much area is required to install a solar system?
The space required to install a solar system depends upon its capacity and size. Normally for installing a 1 KW solar system 6 square meter shadow free area is required.
12. What are the capacities in solar system other than 2KW solar system and 3kw solar system?
Solar systems are available in:
  • 1kw solar system
  • 2kw solar system
  • 3kw solar system
  • 5kw solar system
  • 10kw solar system
13. What is the maintenance cost of solar system?
The maintenance cost of a solar system is not that much. You just need to buy a solar panel cleaning kit to clean the solar panels. The starting cost of solar panel cleaning kit is only Rs.20,000 (for 6 meter length). Read more about: Solar Panel Cleaning Kit.
14. Can I directly run my load in on grid solar system?
Yes, you can directly run your connected load on on grid solar system. In on grid solar system, there is solar inverter which controls the voltage and fix it according to the required voltage.
15.Will I get subsidy on solar system?
Yes, there is up to 40% subsidy on solar panel by the government. But the subsidy rate may be increase or decrease according to your state solar policy.
16. Do I have to hire a separate company to install solar system?
No, you do not have to hire any company separately for installing a solar system. The selling company will do the same for you. You just need to pay them installation charges for their services.
17. How can I buy a solar system for my home?
For buying on grid solar system, off grid solar system, hybrid solar system or commercial solar system you can contact us or either you can buy it from our online shop.